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Writer's pictureJoanna

Dealing with Test Anxiety

Updated: Feb 20, 2020

One of the most common forms of math anxiety is math test anxiety.

Math test anxiety most often appears initially as a "mental block" on a particular problem--often one that the student "knew" how to do moments before the test. Worry over the original problem can lead to more generalized worry and negative self talk, which can sabotage the student's overall test performance.

The main cause of mental blocks is inadequate test preparation. In order to avoid mental blocks, it is necessary to prepare thoroughly for a test.  THere is no such thing as being overprepared or studying too much!  The trick is to study effectively, which does NOT mean that you study for hours at a time or only study the night before the test.

There are also strategies for taking a math test that will help you be more successful.

Overcoming Anxiety

- Acknowledge your feelings. Admit that you are anxious.

- Stop yourself from thinking irrelevant thoughts or putting yourself down.

- Rework your negative statements into neutral statements and think in positive terms. For example, instead of saying “I can’t do this” have them say “This is difficult, but with enough practice I can get this right”.  While trying to turn a negative statement into something else it is important that the statement be honest.

- Learn that even failure has a bright side:  you can learn from your mistakes. It is OK to fail, just make sure you get something out of it!

- Don’t worry about what others may be doing or thinking. Your sole concern should be for YOUR understanding of the material. This also means that you MUST ask questions in class and clear things up before you get far behind. This strategy also helps lessen anxiety since you don't have a ton of stuff to worry about at once.

- Set realistic goals that you can accomplish one step at a time.Practice the situation that makes you anxious.  Set up a “dress rehearsal” as closely to the real life situation as you can. 

- Practice the situation over and over in your mind picturing how you will succeed.  For example, take your practice tests in an empty classroom.

- Picture a time when you felt confident about an accomplishment.  Focus on all the details of how you felt.  Now picture the situation that causes you anxiety. Replay the picture with you feeling confident and succeeding.

- And finally, focus your attention away from yourself and toward the task.

Full article here:

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